Friday, August 5, 2011

Staying on top of it

Social media is an ever changing landscape and in order to stay on top of it you have to employ a variety of methods.

I recently read an article on Mashable (here) that detailed how the pros stay on top of it and felt inspired to throw in my two cents.

1.       Twitter. I find twitter is the best way to stay on top of new news in the digital world.  You can follow large news organizations and professional bloggers for the inside scoop.  Not only that, if you follow the right people you can get some gems that you may have otherwise missed.  Both the primary advantage and disadvantage is that twitter is continually updating; if you’re actively reading it’s a great place to find information, but if you check every few hours or so, great content can become buried.
2.       Google Reader, by far the best RSS reader out there (as the Mashable article states).  I use Google Reader for my favorite blogs, the ones which I do not want to miss a single post.  It’s great because, like twitter, it’s multi-platform.  The only downside (and this goes for Twitter too) is reading on the iPhone or other small screens can kill your eyes.
3.       Podcasts.  I love podcasts because of the ability to listen on the go.  If I’m on a train or bus where I can’t look at my phone because I’m too busy trying to keep my balance, I can still stay current.  The problem that I have with podcasts is trying to download while out-and-about, due to slow data speeds (though that could just be my poor cellular service).
4.       The internet.  I feel like this explains itself.  You go on and read what you want.
5.       Friends.  Ask them.  They may have some information you find relevant, if not just ignore it.

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