Monday, August 8, 2011

Facebook's changes

I have been spending a great deal of time talking about Google+.  While Google+ is exciting and new, there are already existing networks out there that deserve some attention.  So without further ado, I present a post about something other than Google+.  (And if you're keeping count I mention Google+ four times in this paragraph).

Facebook has recently come out with new changes to their news feed feature that are noteworthy.  Search Engine Land does a great job simplifying the changes; I will do a basic rehash, but you should check out their post for more information (here).

Facebook now groups posts by relevance, grouping posts that are connected to the same topic or share the same link together in the news feed.  The rumor around the blogosphere is that they are doing this to appease businesses (it's the corporations brah!)  It makes sense that businesses would want the change so their brands could jump to the top of a person's news feed every time a comment, or a "like" were made to it.  The real question is how will this anger the everyday Facebook user.

Alot.  The Twitterverse hates the changes, as do I.

I understand that Facebook is trying to increase its revenue, but at what cost?  By now Facebook is definitely feeling the heat from Google + (five).  Can they bare to make anymore missteps?

A few posts ago I wrote about Google+ (six) angering businesses and how they can't afford to do so.  Facebook is in the opposite position, businesses have no choice but to use its service.  Facebook is so established that all it has to do is retain its users and the money will continue to flow.  That being said, Facebook has almost 700 million more users than Google + (seven), so it can afford to spare a few.

Whatever the changes, Facebook should be careful, Google is growing up fast.

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